Safeguarding & Child Protection

KidCo Independent Day Nursery Safeguarding & Child Protection


Our Commitment

Dear Parent/Carer,

As the registered provider of childcare at Kid Co Ltd, we have a commitment to the safeguarding and protection of all children.

We have a responsibility to consider the well being of all children who attend the setting. This means we are aware of the things we see and hear from children that might indicate the child is at risk of harm. In most situations any matter of concern that is identified will be discussed with you as the parent/carer of the child. We recognise these can be difficult conversations to have but we will raise matters with you as we know the wellbeing and safety of your child is paramount. In the best interests of your child we would hope that we can have an open and honest conversation, should the situation arise.

In certain circumstances we will share these concerns in accordance with the Local Safeguarding Children’s Board procedures. This means we will contact the West Sussex Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) via the Integrated Front Door (IFD). They will make a decision as to whether the concern warrants further assessment or investigation. MASH is the first point of contact with children’s social work services.

In very rare circumstances and where children are seen to be at risk of immediate harm, we may contact MASH without having spoken to you first and gained your agreement.

More detail of the safeguarding and child protection practices can be made available to you on request,

We feel it is important that you are aware of our commitment to safeguarding and child protection, from the beginning of our working partnership and what this may mean in practice.

Kid Co Ltd
Inger Cottage Balcombe Road, Horley Surrey RH6 9SW
